Inicio rápido
Esta página describe una integración rápida en 3 pasos con un ejemplo práctico.
Consulte este enlace para leer la guía completa: Integración del formulario de pago.
I. Crear el formToken
El formToken contiene los datos del carrito (monto, moneda, número de pedido, datos de contacto del comprador, etc.),
- Cree una solicitud de pago hacia el Web ServiceCharge/CreatePayment.
- Ejemplo de pago simple:
- montant : S/ 1,80.
- pedido: "myOrderId-999999"
- e-mail del comprador: " ".
- Por defecto, se ofrecen todos los medios de pago compatibles asociados a la tienda (en función de la divisa, el monto mínimo o máximo y las restricciones técnicas). Si desea filtrar los medios de pago, consulte: Seleccionar los medios de pago.
Para enviar la solicitud, autentifíquese con las claves de la API REST (para más información: Etapa 2: Autentificarse )
{ "amount": 180, "currency": "PEN", "orderId": "myOrderId-999999", "customer": { "email": "" } }
{ "amount": 1500, "currency": "PEN", "orderId": "myOrderId-999999", "more": "parameters", "customer": { "email": "" } }
{ "amount": 20000, "currency": "ARS", "orderId": "myOrderId-999999", "more": "parameters", "customer": { "email": "" } }
{ "amount": 100000, "currency": "COP", "orderId": "myOrderId-999999", "more": "parameters", "customer": { "email": "" } }
{ "amount": 2500, "currency": "BRL", "orderId": "myOrderId-999999", "more": "parameters", "customer": { "email": "" } }
La respuesta será:
{ "status": "SUCCESS", "_type": "V4/WebService/Response", "webService": "Charge/CreatePayment", "applicationProvider": "MCW", "version": "V4", "applicationVersion": "4.1.0", "answer": { "formToken": "DEMO-TOKEN-TO-BE-REPLACED", "_type": "V4/Charge/PaymentForm" } }
- Recupere el formToken generado para mostrar el formulario de pago
II. Mostrar el formulario
Después de crear el formToken , vea el formulario de pago.
Una vez generado el formToken, muestre el formulario de pago.
- En el
chargez notre librairie JavaScript : src=""
intégrez obligatoirement la clé publique dans le paramètre
(3 ème clé du tableau des clés API REST ).intégrez d'autres paramètres d'initialisation, comme le paramètre
en cas de paiement accepté (Etape 4 : Afficher le formulaire de paiement)- Ejemplo : kr-post-url-success ="[SUCCESS PAYMENT URL]"
elija un tema (más información en Temas ).
- En el
elija el modo de visualización :
- con la
por elmodo incrustado(Modo incrustado) - con la
y el atributokr-popin
por elmodo pop-in (Modo pop-in)
- con la
establezca el valor del formToken en el atributo
Modo incrustado
Ejemplo de código para la tienda TEST
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <!-- STEP : 1 : load the JS librairy 2 : required public key and the JS parameters as url sucess --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="89289758:testpublickey_TxzPjl9xKlhM0a6tfSVNilcLTOUZ0ndsTogGTByPUATcE" kr-post-url-success="[SUCCESS PAYMENT URL]";> </script> <!-- 3 : theme néon should be loaded in the HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </head> <body> <!-- 4 : display the form payment --> <div class="kr-embedded" kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"> </div> </body> </html>
Ejemplo de formulario de pago funcional:
El cliente JavaScript utiliza elementos DIV especiales para insertar los campos del formulario.
kr-first-installment-delay | Número de meses de diferido que se aplicarán a la primera cuota |
kr-installment-number | Cantidad de cuotas. |
kr-identity-document-type | Tipo de documento de identidad |
kr-identity-document-number | Número del documento de identidad |
kr-card-holder-name | Nombre del titular de la tarjeta |
kr-card-holder-mail | Dirección e-mail del titular de la tarjeta |
Clases que se utilizan para personalizar los campos. Consulte :Parámetros generales
También tiene la opción :
III. Analizar el resultado del pago
Analice el resultado del pago desde la IPN o desde el retorno del navegador.
Al finalizar el pago, puede analizar el resultado del mismo desde:
- la notification de paiement instanée : IPN : Analyse de l'IPN (URL de notification).
- la respuesta enviada al navegador: Análisis del resultado del pago mediante devolución a la tienda.
Un mecanismo de seguridad verifica la autenticidad de la información enviada, con el kr-hash
En el objeto PAYMENT
, un ejemplo de kr-answer
, :
{ "shopId": "89289758", "orderCycle": "CLOSED", "orderStatus": "PAID", "serverDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:17+00:00", "orderDetails": { "orderTotalAmount": 180, "orderEffectiveAmount": 180, "orderCurrency": "PEN", "mode": "TEST", "orderId": "myOrderId-475882", "metadata": null, "_type": "V4/OrderDetails" }, "customer": { "billingDetails": { "address": null, "category": null, "cellPhoneNumber": null, "city": null, "country": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "language": "FR", "lastName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "title": null, "zipCode": null, "legalName": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/BillingDetails" }, "email": "", "reference": null, "shippingDetails": { "address": null, "address2": null, "category": null, "city": null, "country": null, "deliveryCompanyName": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "lastName": null, "legalName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "shippingMethod": null, "shippingSpeed": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "zipCode": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShippingDetails" }, "extraDetails": { "browserAccept": null, "fingerPrintId": null, "ipAddress": "", "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36", "_type": "V4/Customer/ExtraDetails" }, "shoppingCart": { "insuranceAmount": null, "shippingAmount": null, "taxAmount": null, "cartItemInfo": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShoppingCart" }, "_type": "V4/Customer/Customer" }, "transactions": [ { "shopId": "89289758", "uuid": "1c8356b0e24442b2acc579cf1ae4d814", "amount": 180, "currency": "PEN", "paymentMethodType": "CARD", "paymentMethodToken": null, "status": "PAID", "detailedStatus": "AUTHORISED", "operationType": "DEBIT", "effectiveStrongAuthentication": "ENABLED", "creationDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": null, "detailedErrorCode": null, "detailedErrorMessage": null, "metadata": null, "transactionDetails": { "liabilityShift": "YES", "effectiveAmount": 180, "effectiveCurrency": "PEN", "creationContext": "CHARGE", "cardDetails": { "paymentSource": "EC", "manualValidation": "NO", "expectedCaptureDate": "2022-01-27T09:38:10+00:00", "effectiveBrand": "VISA", "pan": "497011XXXXXX1003", "expiryMonth": 12, "expiryYear": 2025, "country": "FR", "issuerCode": 17807, "issuerName": "Banque Populaire Occitane", "effectiveProductCode": null, "legacyTransId": "929936", "legacyTransDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "paymentMethodSource": "NEW", "authorizationResponse": { "amount": 180, "currency": "PEN", "authorizationDate": "2022-01-21T09:28:16+00:00", "authorizationNumber": "3fe205", "authorizationResult": "0", "authorizationMode": "FULL", "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthorizationResponse" }, "captureResponse": { "refundAmount": null, "refundCurrency": null, "captureDate": null, "captureFileNumber": null, "effectiveRefundAmount": null, "effectiveRefundCurrency": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardCaptureResponse" }, "threeDSResponse": { "authenticationResultData": { "transactionCondition": null, "enrolled": null, "status": null, "eci": null, "xid": null, "cavvAlgorithm": null, "cavv": null, "signValid": null, "brand": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthenticationResponse" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/ThreeDSResponse" }, "authenticationResponse": { "id": "30eaa40d-dd76-4617-b527-4bed6240b81c", "operationSessionId": "ae6f2ad3ffea41bb8faf1aefabad87b9", "protocol": { "name": "THREEDS", "version": "2.1.0", "network": "VISA", "challengePreference": "NO_PREFERENCE", "simulation": true, "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/Protocol" }, "value": { "authenticationType": "CHALLENGE", "authenticationId": { "authenticationIdType": "dsTransId", "value": "bafdb21f-e3d6-4d1c-b4f6-d1668b7f7f21", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationId" }, "authenticationValue": { "authenticationValueType": "CAVV", "value": "BqLgDBHYRaCBpip3Fn3+erKT9vg=", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationValue" }, "status": "SUCCESS", "commerceIndicator": "05", "extension": { "authenticationType": "THREEDS_V2", "threeDSServerTransID": "30eaa40d-dd76-4617-b527-4bed6240b81c", "dsTransID": "bafdb21f-e3d6-4d1c-b4f6-d1668b7f7f21", "acsTransID": "bd6e58b4-6f37-4993-b428-9096766d83a6", "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResultExtensionThreedsV2" }, "reason": { "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResultReason" }, "_type": "V4/Charge/Authenticate/AuthenticationResult" }, "_type": "V4/AuthenticationResponseData" }, "installmentNumber": null, "installmentCode": null, "markAuthorizationResponse": { "amount": null, "currency": null, "authorizationDate": null, "authorizationNumber": null, "authorizationResult": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/MarkAuthorizationResponse" }, "cardHolderName": null, "identityDocumentNumber": null, "identityDocumentType": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/CardDetails" }, "fraudManagement": { "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/FraudManagement" }, "subscriptionDetails": { "subscriptionId": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/SubscriptionDetails" }, "parentTransactionUuid": null, "mid": "9999999", "sequenceNumber": 1, "taxAmount": null, "preTaxAmount": null, "taxRate": null, "externalTransactionId": null, "nsu": null, "tid": "001", "acquirerNetwork": "CB", "taxRefundAmount": null, "userInfo": "JS Client", "paymentMethodTokenPreviouslyRegistered": null, "occurrenceType": "UNITAIRE", "_type": "V4/TransactionDetails" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentTransaction" } ], "subMerchantDetails": null, "_type": "V4/Payment" }
Para más información, Etapa 5: Analizar el resultado del pago ).
Testee también el formulario de pago con el Playground interactivo.