conref- Lista de códigos de retorno de la solicitud de autorización
Códigos devueltos en la red PROCESOS_ISO:
Código | Descripción |
0 | Transaction Approved |
2 | Refer to card issuer |
3 | Invalid Merchant |
4 | Do not honor |
5 | Unable to process |
6 | Invalid transaction for this terminal |
8 | Issuer Timeout |
9 | No Original |
10 | Unable To Reverse |
11 | Approved (VIP) |
12 | Invalid transaction for card/issuer/acquirer |
13 | Invalid amount (format error) |
14 | Invalid card number |
17 | Invalid capture date (terminal business date) |
19 | System error; Re-enter transaction |
20 | No From Account |
21 | No To Account |
22 | No Checking Account |
23 | No Saving Account |
24 | No Credit Account |
25 | Unable to locate record on file |
30 | Format error |
39 | Transaction not allowed |
41 | Hot card; No pickup |
42 | Special Pickup |
43 | Hot card; Pickup (if possible) |
44 | PickUpCard |
45 | TxnBackOff |
46 | ChipOffDeclined |
47 | ChipUnableOnline |
48 | ChipArqcFail |
49 | ChipTag_NotFound |
51 | No funds available |
52 | No checking account |
53 | No savings account |
54 | Expired card |
55 | Incorrect PIN; Re-enter |
56 | No card record |
57 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder |
58 | Transaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback) |
59 | Suspected fraud |
61 | Exceeds limit |
62 | Restricted card |
63 | MAC Key error |
65 | Exceeds frequency limit |
66 | Exceeds Acquirer Limit |
67 | Retain card; no reason specified |
68 | Late response |
75 | Exceeds PIN retries |
76 | Invalid account |
77 | No sharing arrangement between IST/Switch and network |
78 | Requested function not available |
79 | Key validation error |
80 | Pin Length Error |
81 | Invalid Pin Block |
82 | Invalid CVV |
83 | Counter Sync Error |
84 | Invalid life cycle on transaction |
85 | No Keys To Use |
86 | Cannot verify PIN (VISANet) |
87 | PIN Key error |
88 | MAC Sync error |
89 | Security violation |
91 | IST/Switch not available |
92 | Invalid issuer in transaction |
93 | Invalid acquirer in transaction |
94 | Invalid originator in transaction |
95 | Violation Law |
96 | System error |
97 | No Funds Transfer |
98 | Duplicate reversal |
99 | Duplicate transaction |
102 | No se recibió respuesta dentro del límite de tiempo. Por favor, inténtelo nuevamente más tarde |