Ejemplo de implementación en PHP
Ejemplo de cálculo de firma con el algoritmo HMAC-SHA-256:
function getSignature ($params,$key) { /** *Function that computes the signature. * $params : table containing the fields to send in the payment form. * $key : TEST or PRODUCTION key */ //Initialization of the variable that will contain the string to encrypt $signature_content = ""; //sorting fields alphabetically ksort($params); foreach($params as $name=>$value){ //Recovery of vads_ fields if (substr($name,0,5)=='vads_'){ //Concatenation with "+" $signature_content .= $value."+"; } } //Adding the key at the end $signature_content .= $key; //Encoding base64 encoded chain with SHA-256 algorithm $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$signature_content, $key, true)); return $signature; }